Cruzio Newsletter - Number 81, December 7, 2004 1. Coming Soon: Faster Dialup -- Free 2. Cruzio DSL and Dialup Customers Can Get Our Sale DSL Price! 3. Anti-Spyware CD Available at Cruzio 4. Free Workshop Next Thursday: "Exploring High Speed Internet" 5. Changes to 33.6 Connections 6. Gift Idea: Cruzio, a Ribbon, and You're Done 7. Cruzio's Holiday Schedule 8. $50 off equipment with Cruzio DSL 3.0 or 6.0 9. Feeding the Hungry: "Feed the Kitty" 10. There Will Always Be a Kitty 11. Small Business Fair: A Fine Time for All 12. From the Finance Department 13. Buddy Bucks 14. Bring in Food, Avoid Late Fees 15. About This Newsletter 16. How to Reach Cruzio (dial-in or tech support) 1. Coming Soon: Faster Dialup -- Free Cruzio Dialup customers will soon have access to an Internet accelerator to be available, free of charge, early next year. The accelerator will speed Web browsing up to 5 times as fast as a normal dialup connection. Please watch this space next month for more details. Cruzio is not just a broadband company. Many of our customers use our dialup service, and we offer a great value which keeps getting better. You can use Cruzio Dialup just about anywhere in the United States, and soon it will be faster. 2. Cruzio DSL and Dialup Customers Can Get Our Sale DSL Price! Cruzio DSL customers are welcome to sign up for a one-year term of low-priced, $29.95/month DSL at any time, so long as our current special continues. Your year term at the low price will start on your next bill date. Please go to // and fill out the form for the low price. If you're currently paying a higher price, we will be happy to switch you to the sale rate. Of course, DSL is also available at this low price to folks who are just getting it for the first time, too. 3. Anti-Spyware CD Available at Cruzio Spyware is background software installed on your computer, usually by an advertiser who'd like to know more about you and your viewing habits. Spyware enters your computer without notice, perhaps after clicking a confusing button in a popup window, perhaps as an unannounced piece of a shareware program, perhaps in a virus. It then runs unseen, tracking your activities. If you have spyware on your computer, you are probably unaware of it. The information gathered is supposedly harmless, anonymous marketing information forwarded to a central server over your Internet connection. Spyware is generally not illegal. Doesn't it sound a bit creepy, though? Spyware slows computers down, uses personal Internet connections for corporate profit, and you may consider it an invasion of privacy. And that's just when it's used as intended -- to report anonymous, innocuous information. Unfortunately, there is also a potential for abuse, as we cannot see or control what information is gathered. How do we cope with spyware? Some of us live with it and don't really notice it. Others of us remove it. At Cruzio, we can supply you with a CD for $2 which will check for and remove spyware. Please feel free to come down to our office to get a copy. 4. Free Workshop Next Thursday: "Exploring High Speed Internet" Brown Bag Workshop Thursday, December 16, 12-1:30 PM Cruzio, 903 Pacific Avenue, Santa Cruz All high speed Internet options are not the same. Come to this free workshop to learn about the benefits of DSL and dispel the myths of different broadband technologies. Learn what your options are in understandable terms and whether you will need additional equipment. To sign up, please go to: 5. Changes to 33.6 Connections If you still use a 33.6 bps modem (they're about 6 years old or more), you've got company. Hundreds of Cruzio members are still connecting contentedly at the old speed. To make sure your Internet experience remains optimal at 33.6, Cruzio recently connected the older lines to new modem servers. If you're having trouble with your connection since last month's switch, please let us know. We have some spare 33.6 modems on hand and if yours is incompatible we can swap it, free of charge. 6. Gift Idea: Cruzio, a Ribbon, and You're Done Not to blow our own horn, but Cruzio is a great gift idea. Who wouldn't like a high-speed connection? Who'd turn up their nose when presented with an eponymous domain name (so their email address can look like or -- very chic)? Every new Cruzio account comes with a free, stylish tee-shirt (we have a wide range of sizes and colors) or a shiny metallic travel mug or a sturdy coffee cup. Add a ribbon and the certificate for a domain name or Internet service or both and you are done. Cruzio is open every weekday and Saturday until the end of the year, with the exception of the holidays listed below, for last-minute gifts. 7. Cruzio's Holiday Schedule Cruzio Sales and Support offices will be closed on Friday December 24th, Saturday, December 25th, Friday, December 31st and Saturday, January 1st. As always, our technical staff will be monitoring our systems and keeping everything copacetic throughout the holidays. 8. $50 off equipment with Cruzio DSL 3.0 or 6.0 To encourage the speediest Internet possible, we're offering $50 off a new modem or router when you sign up for a year of DSL 3.0 or 6.0. A great gift. Imagine: "What'd you get for Christmas, Ed? I got socks." "I got the fastest DSL connection available. Care to watch a video clip on my computer?" (This offer is good until December 30th, requires a one-year term, and isn't good with any other offers.) 9. Feeding the Hungry: "Feed the Kitty" Cruzio staff and customers can participate in the Second Harvest Food Drive this year by "feeding the kitty." Until December 27th, Cruzio will match contributions up to a combined total of $2,000. In the last couple of years, our customers were so generous that we were inspired to donate even more than our target, so please challenge us! Not only that: this year Cruzio is holding a raffle to encourage donations to Second Harvest. Each Cruzio customer who donates one full bag of food or a cash donation of over $25 at Cruzio before December 11th, 2004, will be entered to win a raffle prize of $200 in free Cruzio services. To contribute, just give us your check made out to Second Harvest Food Bank. Get the check to us before December 27th, 2004, and we'll match the donation and pass the check along. Remember that the raffle ends on December 11th, but the matching offer goes on until December 27th. For more information about the Second Harvest Food Bank -- a worthy organization -- please visit: 10. There Will Always Be a Kitty An apology to fans of the Cruzio Kitty, our logo since 1989. Normally, every Cruzio printed ad has at least one Cruzio Kitty in it. We often hide the kitty in ads so that readers have to look for it -- it may be tiny, or partially disguised, or in some unexpected form or place. We know readers get a kick out of finding the kitty when it's hidden. But last month, we made an error and there was no kitty in two of our ads! Several people registered unhappiness ("Where is the KITTY?" emailed one disgruntled feline fan) and we apologize and vow to do better. Never again. There will always be a kitty. 11. Small Business Fair: A Fine Time for All We've had some great feedback from participants about last month's Small Business Fair and just wanted to say thank you, especially to Kathy, Westi and Jhonee' from the Cruzio Marketing Department. They put a lot of work into a smooth-running and informative event. And many thanks to those of you who joined us -- both nights sold out! See you next year. 12. From the Finance Department Tapati, our able representative in the Finance office at Cruzio, has some tips and reminders to report. First, banks are now clearing checks much faster than they used to and we've seen more checks rejected for insufficient funds as a result. Beware! Also, a reminder that the number Cruzio wants to see on your check is the account number from the top of your bill, not the strange, random "ref #" our billing software inserts into the line-item text. We are working on making the "ref #" go away, but it is one of those things. Thanks for helping us out. 13. Buddy Bucks This is Cruzio's most popular promotion, and our members save money all the time by doing what comes naturally: recommending Cruzio to friends, family, or even people they barely know. You'll get $10 credit on your Cruzio account every time a new customer gives us your email address, registration number, or full name when they sign on and stay for 30 days or more. Since Cruzio dialup is available nationwide, you can even reap rewards from recommending us to distant friends and relations. So if your friend Fred from Freedom needs a reliable connection, or your cousin Cheryl from Chicago would like the friendly feeling of Cruzio, send them to us and we'll award you a $10 credit for each one. 14. Bring in Food, Avoid Late Fees If you're late on a payment to Cruzio, turn it into a donation to hungry folks in our community. We will waive your late fee if you bring 3 cans into our office for our Second Harvest Food Bank barrel. Learn more about this charity at 15. About This Newsletter Cruzio doesn't like to waste bandwidth with extra email, but we sometimes have events and announcements that users need to know about. This seems like the most efficient way to let people know what's happening. Hope it's helpful. Please email with any comments or questions. By the way, we would love to have a regular, predictable schedule for this newsletter...but we simply do not send it unless there is real news enclosed. Thus the haphazard datelines. 16. How to Reach Cruzio (dial-in or tech support) To reach the Cruzio Information Center, for online technical and sales information: To dial in to Cruzio, set your software to dial one of the numbers below (note: we've expanded and joined modem pools, so you may be using another number. If so, don't worry, it still works just fine). Dialup: 459-9408 Nationwide Dialup: Look up local number on our Web page: or call Cruzio toll free, 1.800.303.3302 To call Cruzio: 459-6301............Use this number to check Cruzio's system status, pay your Cruzio bill, find out more about our hours and location, or to reach someone in customer service and technical support. To send email to Cruzio, use one of these addresses: ......for technical support .......for billing and ordering information Cruzio's location: 903 Pacific Avenue, Suite 101, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 Cruzio's hours: Sales hours: 10am-6pm, Monday through Friday; 10 am - 2 pm Saturday Technical support: 10-6 pm, Monday through Friday, 10am - 2pm Saturday System monitoring, including customer-alerted emergencies, 24 hours per day, 365 days per year (leap years, 366 days) Thanks very much from Cruzio: Chris, Peggy, Julianne, Kathy, Mark, Tapati, Alec, Stephen, Paul, Gershom, Jessi, Michael, another Chris, Maria, James, Jhonee', Derrick and Westi; Tiffany (our fabulous intern); Jake, Annika, and Carly (the kids) Tall tales from the schoolyard: Carly, age 7, reports. Carly: "I found a lizard at recess. But no one could touch it, because it is a deadly poisonous lizard!" Mommy: "That sounds like a story, Carly." Carly: "No, it is true." Mommy: "But there aren't any deadly lizards that live around here. The only poisonous animals around here are rattlesnakes and..." Carly: "It was a rattle-lizard!" Mommy: "A rattle-lizard?" Carly: "One bite and you are dead!" Mommy: "Carly, even with a rattlesnake you don't die right away after one bite. You go to the doctor, and they can help you." Carly: "I know that. I made a mistake." Mommy: "Okay then." Carly: "Two bites and you are dead!"