Cruzio Newsletter - Number 97, October 10, 2006 1. Meet the Tweegles, Win an iPod 2. Producing Spiffy Web Sites with Great Ease 3. Email That Can Deceive You 4. The Cure for Computer Viruses 5. Free Classes in Watsonville 6. Wednesday Workshops in Watsonville 7. Buddy Bucks 8. Moving? 9. Late Fees Waived if You Help Us Feed the Hungry 10. About This Newsletter 11. How to Reach Cruzio (Dial-in or Tech Support) 1. Meet the Tweegles, Win an iPod Who are the Tweegles? The mystery has been revealed at You might be surprised by who (or what) you find there. While visiting the site, you can enter for a chance to win an iPod (not just a nano, either -- one of the cool video iPods). And for those who are artistically inclined, check out the Gallery link and learn how you can "tweeg" a picture and submit your own abstract Tweegle art. 2. Producing Spiffy Web Sites with Great Ease Cruzio staff members are having fun building personal Web sites with our new Website Plus and Premium products (we get to use them first!) Many of us now have blogs and personal photo galleries on the Web. Some of us have reserved sections of our sites for our families to use -- with the new tools it's easy to set up logins and passwords for other people, who can put in their own text and photos from their Web connections. We've put funny polls on our Web sites, and created forms to collect information from visitors. Once our site is up, we sit and watch the reports to see how many people are visiting -- per hour, per day, whatever we like. It's all built in. If you'd like to see an example of what our new tools can do, visit On one of the links we explain exactly what we did to create this tidy little site that would be great for a family or small business. It used to be that setting up the framework for such a site was complicated and time-consuming, but now it's easy. Once you've got the framework in place, your creativity can bloom. 3. Email That Can Deceive You Spammers, jammers and crackers use email to achieve nefarious ends. They create fake graphics and phony Web pages imitating banks, government offices, and other trusted institutions -- and their fakes look quite realistic. This deceptive practice is called "phishing." For example, in my mailbox I've recently received email messages from "Amazon Security" warning me about "Unauthorized Access" and from "Washington Mutual" telling me to "Update your Online Banking Records." Both emails were fake. I don't even have an account at Washington Mutual, so it was easy to figure that one out. It's hard to recognize a fake message. After years of experience, many of us at Cruzio still sometimes wonder: "Is this legitimate?" But if you follow some guidelines, you won't lose money or reveal personal information to even the most realistic phishing scheme: 1. If you reached a site via an email link, don't ever enter your password or other personal information. 2. Don't send secret information via email either. 3. If you think a request may be legitimate, email or call the company directly -- or use a Web address you've seen in official company literature, such as your bank statement. 4. Watch out for warning flags like misspellings or bad grammar. 5. The more urgent the message appears, the more likely it is to be a scam. Take care, and give these tips to relatives and friends! Don't let scammers take advantage of you. 4. The Cure for Computer Viruses We'd all like to see our computers running more efficiently and every so often we suspect a virus or worm is causing us harm. (Sometimes we suspect... sometimes we *know*). Cruzio has a Web page of resources which help you protect against and repair computer ailments, and we give workshops on the topic from time to time. We'll also do the cleanup for you, if you choose. Since we spend a lot of time and effort keeping our own computers secure and clean, we're able to offer the same service to customers for a low price. Compare our prices to any other computer repair shop and you'll see we offer an excellent deal. And, not to brag, but our computer technicians are the finest you'll find*. If you are a Cruzio member -- and if you are reading this newsletter, you probably are -- you'll even get $20 off a computer spa package. Call us to set up an appointment! (*that really did count as bragging, didn't it.) 5. Free Classes in Watsonville Introduction to the Computer and the Internet, a 2-Day Class Spanish: Monday Oct 23 & Wednesday, Oct 25, 7-9:30 pm FREE English: November 2006, dates to be announced Both at 23 E. Beach Street, Plaza Vigil, Downtown Watsonville Help a friend or relative learn to help themselves on the computer. Gershom Toriz, our Watsonville store manager, teaches classes for computer novices in English and Spanish. The first session covers computer basics like starting up the computer, using the keyboard and mouse, creating a document, and properly shutting down. The second session introduces the Internet, email and Web browsing. Lots of tips and tricks are included, and Gershom is great at helping people feel comfortable while pointing out where we should be cautious. The series is for beginners and we recommend that both classes be taken the same week if possible. Let us know you are coming by calling 831 722-6200. 6. Wednesday Workshops in Watsonville Every Wednesday afternoon from 3 to 6 pm, our Watsonville Store Manager Gershom opens the doors for anyone to come in and ask questions about the Internet. He generally covers basic computer operations (your computer has to function to reach the Internet, after all), how to use Web browsers, find information on the Internet, and use Cruzio's Web mail program. You're welcome to stop by, no registration necessary and it's free of charge. 7. Buddy Bucks Recommend us to friends, family, colleagues: if a new customer gives us your email address, registration number, or full name when they sign up you'll get $10 credit to your account. If two friends sign up, $20. Three friends, $30. Etcetera. They'll be happy you recommended us, and you'll be happy to get the credit on your account. 8. Moving? If you are moving your home or office, please contact Cruzio. We're here to help the Internet portion of your move go smoothly. It's best to let us know several weeks ahead of time, especially if you have DSL or if you're canceling a phone line. We can often save you from an interruption in Internet service and prevent costly fees -- but you've got to let us know. For more information, please see 9. Late Fees Waived if You Help Us Feed the Hungry If you're late on a payment to Cruzio, turn it into a donation to hungry folks in our community. We will waive your late fee if you bring 3 cans into our office for our Second Harvest Food Bank barrel. Learn more about this charity at P.S. Get ready for our holiday food drive, coming soon! 10. About This Newsletter Cruzio doesn't like to waste bandwidth with extra email, but we sometimes have events and announcements that users need to know about. This seems like the most efficient way to let people know what's happening. Hope it's helpful. Please email with any comments or questions. By the way, we would love to have a regular, predictable schedule for this newsletter...but we simply do not send it unless there is real news enclosed. Thus the haphazard datelines. 11. How to Reach Cruzio (dial-in or tech support) To reach the Cruzio Information Center, for online technical and sales information: To dial in to Cruzio, set your software to dial one of the numbers below (note: we've expanded and joined modem pools, so you may be using another number. If so, don't worry, it still works just fine). Dialup (in Santa Cruz County): 459-9408 Nationwide Dialup: Look up local number on our Web page: or call Cruzio toll free, 1.800.303.3302 To call Cruzio: 459-6301............Use this number to check Cruzio's system status, pay your Cruzio bill, find out more about our hours and location, or to reach someone in customer service and technical support. 722-6200 .......... Cruzio's number in Watsonville. To send email to Cruzio, use one of these addresses: ......for technical support .......for billing and ordering information Cruzio's locations: Santa Cruz: 903 Pacific Avenue, Suite 101, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 Watsonville: Plaza Vigil, 23 E. Beach Street, Watsonville, CA 95076 Cruzio's hours: Sales hours: 10am-6pm, Monday through Friday; 10 am - 2 pm Saturday Technical support: 8am to 6pm, Mon to Fri, 10am - 2pm Saturday System monitoring, including customer-alerted emergencies, 24 hours per day, 365 days per year (leap years, 366 days) Thanks very much from Cruzio: Chris, Peggy, Julianne, Mark, Stephen, Paul, Gershom, Jessi, Michael, Maria, James, Juana, Krissie, Nikkie, Mike, Don, Bruce, Edgar, Brian, Westi, Andrew, Jaime, another Chris, yet another Chris, and Reema; Jake, Annika, and Carly (the kids) Carly: "Sapphires are my second favorite jewel." Mom: "What is your favorite?" Carly: "I don't know."