#110, November 5, 2007

   Cruzio Newsletter - Number 110, November 5, 2007

1. Come to the Small Business Fair This Wednesday
2. Get Free Software from Cruzio at our Brown Bag Workshop
3. Earthquake Info
4. A Gift for Each Cruzio Member: The Great Domain Name Giveaway
5. New Business Packages
6. Mac Users Beware: Trojan Horse
7. November Hands-on Classes: Intro to the Internet, One Day Web Site
8. Gizmo of the Month: iTrip Wins Again!
9. Cruzio is Matching Donations to Second Harvest Food Bank
10. Local Businesses Can Compete with Amazon
11. Class Schedule Through December
12. An Amazing Football Play
13. Buddy Bucks
14. Moving?
15. About This Newsletter
16. How to Reach Cruzio (Dial-in or Tech Support)

1. Come to the Small Business Fair This Wednesday
Who should come to Cruzio's 9th Annual Small Business Fair this week:

   Artists, Attorneys, Roofers, Realtors,
   Bakers, Bail Bondsmen, Non-profits, Nurses,
   Coaches, Car Salesmen, Poets, Plumbers,
   Dentists, Divers, Contractors, Cosmeticians,
   ... and many more.

This year's Fair is useful to an especially wide range of
businesses because we'll be introducing the newest way to
present your company, your products, and yourself on the
Internet using the techniques generally called "Web 2.0."

Web 2.0 makes a creative, cool, and community-centered style of
Web site. What better way to show off your work -- whether
it's haircutting, dried apricots, or prose -- than by displaying it
on a great Web site? Your customers are on the Web. Help them find

The process need not be difficult. The real secret is that software
has come a long way in the last few years and the tools are much
improved -- more like PowerPoint than programming.

Cruzio not only has the tools, we have the expertise. So this year
Cruzio's own CEO Chris Neklason, creator of the Cruzio home page,
will be one of our speakers and he'll talk about updating your
online look and fostering communities and communication. He'll be
joined by an impressive panel of local luminaries:  

   John Patterson, Executive Director of Community TV
   Dale Julin, Award-winning Journalist & Owner of Your Solar Future
   Kay Mackenzie, Owner of Quilt Puppy Publications & Designs

All of the speakers have created or updated their Web sites, and
will share their tips.

This may sound like a Ronco commercial, but we have to say it:
that's not all...

If you are a wine fancier you may know of Silver Mountain Vineyards,
an esteemed local label who will be offering a wine tasting free with
your Fair ticket. While sipping delicious wine and munching on an
optional superb dinner from Al Fresco you may also win prizes from
local businesses in our famous Small Business Fair Raffle, where a
large percentage of the audience walks away with prizes and everyone
has a good time.

Plus you'll meet other small business owners and have a chance to
talk about issues, answers, and options. Stop boring your spouse and
kids with business talk, come meet other people with the same issues
and actually find friends and solutions! 

The Fair is this Wednesday, so please register right away to save $10: 

   Date: This Wednesday, November 7th, 2007
   Time: 5:30 to 8:30 pm
   Location: The Museum of Art and History, 705 Front St., Santa Cruz
   Cost: $35 early registration, $45 at the door, $8 optional dinner
   Register at: http://smallbusiness.internetcruzio.com

2. Get Free Software from Cruzio at our Brown Bag Workshop
Don't miss this upcoming workshop, it's a great opportunity to save.

If you use a computer, you almost have to use popular software
such as Microsoft Word (and the rest of the Microsoft Office
Suite), Adobe Photoshop, or Dreamweaver. Each program costs
many hundreds of dollars for every computer you install.

But there are free alternatives to these programs, work-alikes
which produce the same types of files with very similar interfaces.
These are legal alternatives written by less famous, less corporate
programmers. We use them here at Cruzio.

We'll show you these programs and you can judge for yourself.
At the end of the workshop we'll give you a CD with all the
software on it free of charge.

You can save thousands of dollars and admission is just $10.
   Date: Thursday, November 8th
   Time: Noon to 1:30 pm
   Cost: $10
   Location: Cruzio's Santa Cruz Office, 903 Pacific Avenue

3. Earthquake Info
Santa Cruz County was shaken up the day before Halloween when
we were hit by a magnitude 5.6 earthquake, centered northeast of
San Jose.

Cruzio's Webmasters know it's important to keep up-to-date,
comprehensive information about earthquakes available to our
community. It's always available from the Weather, Surf, Tides
and Quakes page on our Web site:

To see the USGS ShakeMap detailing the intensity and range of the
last quake, go to:
If you click on "ShakeMap Archive," on the left, you can see how
it compares to other quakes both recent and long past.

It's probably a good time to read up on what to do during an
earthquake, how to prepare, and more. You'll find that information

4. A Gift for Each Cruzio Member: The Great Domain Name Giveaway

Have you ever wanted to get email at your own name?

On December 15th, 2007, for one day only, you can register any
domain name you want -- providing it's not already taken --
FREE of CHARGE. It's a gift from Cruzio to our members. There's
one waiting for you.

That is, if your name is Pedro Tweegle (okay, that's unlikely;
it's just an example) you could get email at pedro@tweegle.com
-- a personalized email address.

Or you might want a name for your business, like scshop.com.

Even if you already have one domain name you might want another:
perhaps you've got the version of your name that ends with .com
but you have your eye on .net or .us.

To get your free name, come to the store any time during our
extended business hours on Saturday, December 15th, 9 am to 4 pm.
We'll be serving coffee and snacks, and registration will just take
a few minutes. You must be a Cruzio member to get a free name.

We recommend you choose your domain ahead of time. To see if a
name you're thinking of is open, please go to:

If you register in our store on December 15th your domain registration
and parking will be free for a full year -- which usually costs $25.90.
If you bring in three cans for Second Harvest Food Bank we'll give
you a second domain name as well! Registering the name makes you the
domain's owner as long as you choose to keep it. After the first year,
you'll need to pay an annual fee to maintain the registration. 

You can gift the domain to a friend or relative, it's a great present.
We'll even give you a holiday-stocking-worthy gift certificate, all
wrapped and ready to present to a loved one. And if you like, you can
choose to get email or put up a Web site at your new address. We'll be
happy to help you with both.

So please come to the Great Domain Giveaway. Mark your calendars.
Tell your (Cruzio) friends. See you there!

5. New Business Packages
With Cruzio, businesses can get Internet access and a Web presence.
Now, you can combine the two to get extra savings.

For the upcoming Small Business Fair (see item 1 above),
Cruzio has put together some very attractive deals. Three great
packages, each with a free wireless router ($79 value), free domain
name registration ($14.95 value), free Cruzio.com business listing
and $50 off any Cruzio Hands-on Class. 

Here are the packages:
 Package 1 -- New Biz Kit: DSL & Domain name, just $22.95 per month.

 Package 2 -- Web Presence Kit: DSL & Domain Name plus Web Site
 Hosting, just $42.90 per month.

 Package 3 -- Online Sales Kit: Add ShopSite to your DSL, Domain
 and Web Site Hosting, and you'll be able to sell your products
 from your Web site, just $57.90 per month.

If you're not sure what package is right for you, come in and
talk to one of our friendly Cruzio staff for advice. We specialize
in small businesses and you won't get a hard sell. Better yet,
come to the Small Business Fair this Wednesday and learn from some
of the best local Web sites.

The business package offer ends December 28, 2007. Sign up before
November 7th and get $10 off your Small Business Fair admission!

6. Mac Users Beware: Trojan Horse
It's rare for Apple computers to suffer attack, but not impossible.
Alert Cruzio Classes Program Manager and Mac guru Mike Brogan sent
in a warning for Macintosh computer users. The problem is a "trojan
horse" -- a program that's installed on your computer hidden in
another program. It's not technically a virus because it can't move
from one infected computer to another, but it behaves like one,
taking control of your computer and potentially tricking you into
giving it personal information (like passwords or credit card numbers).

For more information on how to tell if you have the trojan horse,
including how to remove it, please see:

If you'd like Cruzio to clean your computer and/or install protective
software, Cruzio does so at a reasonable price. Please call us for an
appointment: 459-6301 option 5. For a list of our Computer Care services
please visit:

7. November Hands-on Classes: "Intro to the Internet", "One Day Web Site"
Two great Hands-on classes this month. Register at 

First, this month we're offering a class in Santa Cruz which will be
helpful to folks who feel uneasy around a computer, especially a
computer which doesn't do what it should. We'll start with the basics,
like setting up email the way you want it and shopping online. We'll
talk about viruses, spam prevention and security. This is a great class
for your friend or relative who needs to build computer and Internet

Title: "Intro to the Internet"
Date: Tuesday, November 13th
Time: 9:00 - 11:00 am 
Price: Normally $49, this time just $29 !!
Location: 903 Pacific Avenue, Santa Cruz

Our second hands-on class in November is our most popular one:
One Day Web Site. It's the kickstart you've been needing to get
your Web presence going. You'll design your site with a teacher
by your side -- two teachers conduct a class of up to eight

Nothing speaks better to the value of this well-taught class than
the work of students who've attended in the past. Starting with
little or no Web experience, here are some pages produced for 
their businesses and families:

Title: "One Day Web Site"
Date: Thursday, November 15th
Time: 9:00 - 12:00 noon
Price: $199
Location: 903 Pacific Avenue, Santa Cruz

8. Gizmo of the Month: iTrip Wins Again!
This is unprecedented. The iTrip has won Cruzio Gizmo of the
Month two months in a row! Both staff and customers continue
to rate it highly.

It's a favorite because it provides what's missing from your
iPod: the ability to play it through your car's radio so you can
enjoy your tunes or audio books on the road.

Cruzio has a great price on the iTrip, and it makes a great gift.
It's an easy, inexpensive way to hook up your music without spending
the money to upgrade your car's stereo.

The iTrip is just $19.99 plus tax. Purchase it at one of Cruzio's
stores or online at 

Once you've got the iTrip ready, here are some songs appropriate for
your first iTrip road trip. We're sure you can think of more:
   "Roll On" by The Little Willies 
   "Gear Jammer" by George Thorogood
   "Time to Start" by the Blue Man Group
   "Where the Streets Have No Name" by U2
   "Night Drive" by Jimmy Eat World
   "El Camino" by the Gipsy Kings

9. Cruzio is Matching Donations to Second Harvest Food Bank
Until the end of the year, Cruzio will match donations from
our customers to the Second Harvest Food Bank. It's a holiday
tradition at Cruzio, but no need to wait: nights are cold,
and people are hungry, even now.

This is how it works: make out a check payable to "Second Harvest
Food Bank" and mail it to Cruzio. It can be for as little or as much
as you like. We'll add the check to our folder, increase our own
donation by a matching amount until we reach $1,500, and send the
contributions in together.

We're happy and proud to make donations to such a worthy cause. For
more information on this highly-rated charity, please go to:

As always, Cruzio will also waive late fees on your account if you
bring in three food cans for our Second Harvest barrel. Whenever you
would like to contribute food, you are welcome to drop it off at
Cruzio: we have our barrel in-store all year long.

10. Local Businesses Can Compete with Amazon
Shoppers, are you planning to make a lot of your Christmas
choices online? Many local folks do much of their shopping
at places like Amazon and eBay.

Cruzio recommends buying from local online shops, too. You can
often get quick delivery and easy returns. Plus, as Christmas
gets nearer, you can make your choices online and then go down
to the store yourself for the fastest possible delivery.

Shopowners, wouldn't it be smart to offer your products for
sale online too? There is still time to get something in place.
Cruzio has planned an event, workshop and class schedule with
your needs in mind. Start with the Small Business Fair this
Wednesday to get a broad overview. Then check out one or more
of our "One Day Web Site" Hands-on Classes, where you can actually
create your Web site in class with two teachers on hand to guide
you. Sign up at:

11. Class Schedule Through December

November 5 & 7: "Beginning Internet" in Spanish (Watsonville)
November 8: "Free Software Alternatives" Brown Bag workshop
November 13: "Introduction to the Internet" Hands-on class
November 15: "One Day Web Site" Hands-on class
November 19 & 21: "Beginning Internet" in English (Watsonville)

December 3 & 5: "Beginning Internet" in Spanish (Watsonville)
December 6: "Planning Your Web Presence" Brown Bag workshop
December 11: "One Night Web Site" Hands-on class
December 17 & 19: "Beginning Internet" in English (Watsonville)
December 18: "One Day Web Site" Hands-on class

Check http://classes.internetcruzio.com for the latest information 
and to sign up. Dates or topics occasionally change.

12. An Amazing Football Play
From YouTube. If you're a football fan, you won't believe this.
It's why it's so great we have YouTube: we can watch it over
and over. 15 laterals in one play win the game for Trinity:

13. Buddy Bucks
Do you know someone who'd enjoy using Cruzio's fine services?
Recommend us to friends, family, colleagues: if a new customer
gives us your email address, registration number, or full name when
they sign up you'll get $10 credit to your account. If two friends
sign up, $20. Three friends, $30. It just goes on and on. 

14. Moving?
If you are moving your home or office, please contact Cruzio.
We're here to help the Internet portion of your move go smoothly.
It's best to let us know several weeks ahead of time, especially
if you have DSL or if you're cancelling a phone line. We can often
save you from an interruption in Internet service and prevent
costly fees -- but you've got to let us know. For more information,
please see

15. About This Newsletter
Cruzio doesn't like to waste bandwidth with extra email, but we sometimes
have events and announcements that users need to know about. This seems
like the most efficient way to let people know what's happening. Hope
it's helpful. Please email support@internetcruzio.com with any comments or questions. 
By the way, we would love to have a regular, predictable schedule
for this newsletter...but we simply do not send it unless there is real
news enclosed. Thus the haphazard datelines.

16. How to Reach Cruzio (dial-in or tech support)
To reach the Cruzio Information Center, for online technical and
sales information:

To dial in to Cruzio, set your software to dial one of the numbers
below (note: we've expanded and joined modem pools, so you may be 
using another number. If so, don't worry, it still works just fine).

  Dialup (in Santa Cruz County): 459-9408

  Nationwide Dialup: Look up local number on our Web page:
  or call Cruzio toll free, 1.800.303.3302

To call Cruzio:
        459-6301............Use this number to check Cruzio's system status,
           pay your Cruzio bill, find out more about our hours and location,
           or to reach someone in customer service and technical support.
        722-6200 .......... Cruzio's number in Watsonville.

To send email to Cruzio, use one of these addresses:
  	support@internetcruzio.com ......for technical support
	office@internetcruzio.com .......for billing and ordering information

Cruzio's locations:
	Santa Cruz: 903 Pacific Avenue, Suite 101, Santa Cruz, CA 95060
	Watsonville: Plaza Vigil, 25 E. Beach Street, Watsonville, CA 95076
Cruzio's hours:
	Sales hours: 10am-6pm, Monday through Friday; 10 am - 2 pm Saturday
	Technical support: 8am to 6pm, Mon to Fri, 10am - 2pm Saturday
	System monitoring, including customer-alerted emergencies, 24 hours
		per day, 365 days per year (leap years, 366 days)

Thanks very much from Cruzio:
	Chris, Peggy, Julianne, Mark, Paul, Gershom, Jessi, James,
	Juana, Nikkie, Mike, Don, Bruce, Brian, Westi, Andrew,
	Jaime, another Chris, yet another Chris, Diana, Jake, Tommy,
	Loren, Shawn and Zachary;
	our awesome interns, Melinda and Anna
	Jake, Annika, and Carly (the kids)

Annika, age 12:
"It seems like the minute you're done with Halloween, it's time for
Thanksgiving. And then you go to Christmas right after Thanksgiving.
Then there's New Year's, and then Easter, then the 4th of July. Why
can't people just settle on one holiday and have it for the whole year?"