#111, December 5, 2007

  Cruzio Newsletter - Number 111, December 5, 2007

1. The Great Domain Name Giveaway: Saturday December 15th
2. Give Cruzio for Christmas
3. It's All About Building Web Sites at Cruzio This Month: 3 Classes
	Thurs, Dec 6: "Planning Your Web Presence"
	Tues, Dec 11: "One Night Web Site"
	Thurs, Dec 13: "One Day Web Site"
4. When You're Weary of Walking: Stop at a Cyberhub and Check Email
5. The Year Gone By (2007)
6. The Year Coming Up (2008)
7. Peace Tee Shirts Have Arrived -- Profits to Disabled Vets
8. Tech Tip: Email Trouble?
9. ShopSite Upgrade
10. Gizmo of the Month: Computer Memory, Installed by Cruzio
11. We'll Match Your Donations to Second Harvest Food Bank
12. Class Schedule for the Next Three Months
13. Classes -- Let Us Know What You'd Like
14. Cruzio's Holiday Hours
15. Buddy Bucks
16. Moving?
17. About This Newsletter
18. How to Reach Cruzio (Dial-in or Tech Support)

1. The Great Domain Name Giveaway: Saturday December 15th
Have you been dreaming of owning your own corner of the Internet
-- a corner named after you?

We appreciate your membership and this year we'd like to give you a
holiday gift: a free domain name of your choice. Often that will be
the name of your business or your last name, with a .com at the end.

Secure your name by coming to our Santa Cruz store on The Great Giveaway
Day, Saturday December 15th. We'll be open from 9 am to 4 pm, serving
free coffee and snacks to members only.

To see what's available -- names like johnsmith.com are long taken,
for example -- try your ideas at:
Our staff can help you with any questions.

There are so many names available you may find it hard to choose, so
here is a second part to the story: bring in three cans of food for the
Second Harvest Food Bank and Cruzio will give you a second free name.

2. Give Cruzio for Christmas
In our consumer society, holidays can be packed with an overabundance
of meaningless plastic objects. That's why we like the gift of intelligence.
Literally, adding to someone's computer or Internet adds to their
ability to reason, remember and create. Here are some specific suggestions:

	i. Get a friend more memory for his computer and have it
		custom-installed at Cruzio's shop. His computer will
		run better and he won't even have to know the details.
		Just $49 plus the cost of the hardware.

	ii. Treat your dad to his own domain name. It's just $14.95 to
		register and $10.95 to park it for a year. (If you come in on
		December 15th for the Great Domain Name Giveaway, both are

		If you're a really great son or daughter, you might also get
		him Website Plus ($19.95/mo) or Premium ($39.95/mo) so he can
		put up photos, start a blog, or publish a family calendar.
		The best children, of course, set the whole thing up for him.
		Note that we have classes on how to do just that:

	iii. Upgrade a pal's Internet connection. If she has dialup,
		give her DSL ($22.95/mo). If she has DSL 1.5, give her 
		DSL 3.0 ($32.95/mo). Great for games and videos.

	iv. Bring your sweetie's aging computer in for a full treatment:
		Cruzio will clean out viruses and popups, and install
		protective software, everything included for just $129
		if you're a Cruzio member. ($149 for non-members).

	v. Cruzio's mugs and tee shirts are high quality and will last
		for years. Plus they have the Cruzio kitty on them --
		and, if you like, a peace sign (see item 7 below).
		Order online at our shop:

	vi. Get Cruzio gift certificates and they can get themselves
		any of the above.

Christmas, Kwanzaa and the solstice are coming... Hanukkah's already begun.
Happy holidays everyone!

3. It's All About Building Web Sites at Cruzio This Month: 3 Classes
	Thurs, Dec 6: "Planning Your Web Presence"
	Tues, Dec 11: "One Night Web Site"
	Thurs, Dec 13: "One Day Web Site"

Celebrate the New Year with a spiffy new Web site. If you've been
putting off an upgrade, this is a good time to get started -- Web 2.0
tools make it easier than ever before. A Cruzio workshop or hands-on
class can show you how.

The best Web sites start by converting a vision to a plan, so we begin
with a workshop this Thursday to identify your needs and help you outline
the kind of Web site you'd like to have.

   Date: Thursday, December 6th, 2007
   Time: Noon to 1:30 pm
   Location: Cruzio, 903 Pacific Avenue, downtown Santa Cruz
   Cost: $10, $7 additional if you'd like lunch as well
   Register at: http://classes.internetcruzio.com

The next step is to actually build the site. It's easier than you might 

Some people like to take a class in the evening after work. Others
prefer the morning, especially when a class is job-related. This month,
Cruzio's ace teaching staff is offering both -- a morning and an evening
version of our most popular class, "One Night Web Site."

In these hands-on classes, you'll have access to hours of personalized
instruction from our friendly experts at a computer dedicated to you. Best
of all, you'll be able to work on your own real Web site, setting it up and
adding text, pictures and features under the guidance of two instructors
who'll show you what to do and answer any questions you have. The classes
are limited to just eight students each.

By the end of the hands-on class, you'll have the framework of a site and
the know-how to continue enhancing it. Because you create the site with
the latest technology, you can show off your work for years to come.
Compare the cost of these classes to extension classes over the hill:
Cruzio classes are a great deal.

   Date: Tuesday, December 11th, 2007
   Time: 5 to 8 pm
   Location: Cruzio, 903 Pacific Avenue, downtown Santa Cruz
   Cost: $199

   Date: Thursday, December 13th, 2007
   Time: 9 am to noon
   Location: Cruzio, 903 Pacific Avenue, downtown Santa Cruz
   Cost: $199

   Get more information and register at: http://classes.internetcruzio.com

4. When You're Weary of Walking: Stop at a Cyberhub and Check Email
If you bring a laptop along on your holiday shopping trips, remember you
can stop for a cup of coffee and a session of free email at one of
Cruzio's many cyberhub hot spots. There's definitely one near you --
check our cyberhub map:

5. The Year Gone By
2007 is nearly over (that was fast) and we're thankful for what
the year brought Cruzio-wise. Some highlights:

	- A new Watsonville store (25 E. Beach Street).
	- Ever-expanding Web services and understanding of Web 2.0
	- New hands-on classes and business packages.
	- Free domains for every Cruzio member (come in Dec. 15th for yours).
	- More members than ever before.
	- http://www.cuteoverload.com/
	- Another year doing what we love to do.

Thank you so much for being a part of it.

6. The Year Coming Up
The new year is a time for personal resolutions, and since Cruzio
is a company with personality we're setting our company resolutions
as well. We'll be taking time to go through all our products and
priorities and make sure our customers are getting the best service
in every possible way.

If you'd like to contribute suggestions to our discussion, we welcome
your comments (now and always). There's a "suggestion box" at the bottom
of every page in our Web site, http://www.internetcruzio.com. Let us know what
you like and what we could improve, whether it's DSL, dialup, email, Web
-- or some service we haven't even thought of yet. Thanks!

7. Peace Tee Shirts Have Arrived -- Profits to Disabled Vets
Cruzio tee shirts with a peace sign on the front are now on sale
for just $15.95! So cool. See a photo or order them from our online
shop at

All profits from these tee shirts will go to benefit the Disabled
American Veteran's Charitable Services Trust:

8. Tech Tip: Email Trouble?
Loren, a helpful Cruzio staffer, offers this technique frequently
used by Cruzio Technical Support:

If your email isn't downloading properly using an email client program
like Outlook Express, Thunderbird, or Apple's Mail, a quick and easy
troubleshooting tip is to check your mail on our WebMail service at
http://www.internetcruzio.com -- select the "My Email" link.

With our easy-to-use WebMail software, you can quickly diagnose the
source of your problem. If you are not able to connect to your WebMail,
you know that you're either having a password issue, or that there is a
problem on the server side. If you are able to log into our WebMail
software, then you know that everything is working fine on the server,
and the problem is probably in your settings. Check to make sure your
preferences match all the settings listed on your login sheet.

Either way, if at any point you are unsure of how to proceed, please don't
hesitate to call Cruzio's award-winning Tech Support team at 459-6301,
option 4. 

9. ShopSite upgrade
As the Internet grows up, so does the software. Cruzio doesn't switch
to new versions until we are satisfied they're stable and useful. With
these criteria in mind, our Chief Systems Engineer, Mark, has just
upgraded our ShopSite online store creation tool to version 9.02.

ShopSite Starter customers will see the upgrade automatically -- it is
already in place, and it's free of charge. Manager and Pro customers
will need to pay $85 and $215, respectively, to use the new features.
Cruzio passes along what we are charged for these upgrades; list price
is 35% to 50% higher.

The most compelling features in the new ShopSite may be the new themes
(with multiple color options), US Post Office shipping options, and
logging of searches so you can track what customers are seeking on your

To see all the new features included with ShopSite 9, please visit

If you'd like to upgrade, please call customer service at 459-6301,
option 2. Or email office@internetcruzio.com.

Thanks Mark!

10. Gizmo of the Month: Computer Memory, Installed by Cruzio
Have you ever wished you could go to the store and get more memory for
your brain? It would help you win trivia games with your family and 
score well on IQ tests, among other things. 

Cruzio does not currently sell brain memory -- that's a messy business which
exists exclusively in science fiction at the moment. But we can do the next
best thing: our expert technicians can increase your computer's memory for you.

For just $49 plus the cost of the hardware, Cruzio will select the memory,
order it at a discount price, install it, test it, and voila. Depending on
the condition of your computer, you will probably see an improvement in speed
and performance, especially in memory-intensive programs like Photoshop.
Memory is also a common cure for computers that slow down or crash when you
try to do more than one thing at once. (But that can also be due to a virus
-- we can check that for you, too).

If you think you'd like a computer that slows less and crashes less,
give us a call (831 459-6301, choose option 5) and talk to one of
our techs. We'll help you figure out if memory would help you or, if
you can get a peek at their computer, your sweetie (see "Give Cruzio
for Christmas" in item 2 above).

11. We'll Match Your Donations to Second Harvest Food Bank
This year newspapers are reporting that donations are down and
food banks are cutting back on their services to the needy. Let's
reverse that trend. Increase the effectiveness of your donation
by sending it via Cruzio. We will see it and match it and pass
our increased donation to Second Harvest, up to $1,500.

Cruzio's members have been very supportive in the past and Second
Harvest has given us a variety of awards over the years -- thanks to
you. That means we're effective in getting food to the people who need
it in our community.

And as always, if you're late on a payment to Cruzio you can convert your
slipup into a donation. We will forgive your late fee if you bring 3 cans
into our office for our Second Harvest Food Bank barrel. 

For more information about Second Harvest, see

12. Class Schedule for the Next Three Months
Here's a sneak peek at the revised class listings slated to
begin in the new year. Lots of new classes! The final 
schedule will be posted and ready for signups soon at 

All the classes below will be held at our downtown Santa Cruz
store, 903 Pacific Avenue. 

8th 9 - 11 am "Administrate Your Domain Like a Pro"
10th 9 - 12 pm "One Day Web Site"
17th 1 - 3 pm "Internet 101"
22nd 5 - 8 pm "One Night Web Site"
24th 9 - 11 am "How to Market Your Web Site to Get New Customers"
29th 1 - 3 pm "Start Making Money Online"

5th 9 - 11 am "Mailing lists and Surveys"
12th 9 - 11 am "Administrate Your Domain Like a Pro"
14th 5 - 8 pm "One Night Web Site"
21st 2 - 4 pm "How to Market Your Web Site to Get New Customers"
26th 9 - 11 am "Start Making Money Online"

4th 1 - 3 pm "Administrate Your Domain Like a Pro"
6th 9 - 12 pm "One Day Web Site"
13th 9 - 11 am "Get to the Top of Search Engines"
18th 9 - 11 am "Start Making Money Online"
25th 9 - 11 am "Internet 101"
27th 5 - 8 pm "One Night Web Site"

13. Classes -- Let Us Know What You'd Like
Do you like Cruzio classes just as they are? Or do you wish we would
teach different subjects or hold the classes at different times or
locations? Now's the time to let us know in our class survey:

Mike, our resourceful Class Program Manager, is gathering data to
plan next year's computer and Web-building instruction. If you've attended
a class before, you know they are terrific: friendly, helpful, and extremely
informative. And our students are enthusiastic and fun to work with. Let us
know what adjustments you'd like and we'll try to tailor the classes to
serve the maximum number of people.

By the way, we have once again built the survey with our easy-to-use
survey builder, which comes free with any Website Plus or Premium account.
It's a great tool, try it!

14. Cruzio's Holiday Hours
Cruzio's customer service offices will close early, at 2 pm, on December
24th, and we'll be closed December 25th. We'll also be closed New Year's
Day, January 1st 2008. We'll be open on New Year's Eve.

As always, though we're not open for customer visits or calls,
we'll be monitoring the system and responding to problems throughout
the holidays. We've been here before, tinkering on Christmas day; we've
been here New Year's Eve at midnight. Whatever it takes.       

We're also ready to set up accounts or issue gift certificates for
last-minute gifts right up until December 24th at 2 pm. We'll make you a
very pretty package to look great under a tree or in a stocking.

Have a great holiday season!

15. Buddy Bucks
Recommend us to friends, family, colleagues: if a new customer
gives us your email address, registration number, or full name when
they sign up you'll get $10 or more credit to your account. If two
friends sign up, $20. Three friends, $30. It just goes on and on. 
The more they buy, the more you benefit.

16. Moving?
If you are moving your home or office, please contact Cruzio.
We're here to help the Internet portion of your move go smoothly.
It's best to let us know several weeks ahead of time, especially
if you have DSL or if you're cancelling a phone line. We can often
save you from an interruption in Internet service and prevent
costly fees -- but you've got to let us know. For more information,
please see

17. About This Newsletter
Cruzio doesn't like to waste bandwidth with extra email, but we sometimes
have events and announcements that users need to know about. This seems
like the most efficient way to let people know what's happening. Hope
it's helpful. Please email support@internetcruzio.com with any comments or questions. 
By the way, we would love to have a regular, predictable schedule
for this newsletter...but we simply do not send it unless there is real
news enclosed. Thus the haphazard datelines.

18. How to Reach Cruzio (dial-in or tech support)
To reach the Cruzio Information Center, for online technical and
sales information:

To dial in to Cruzio, set your software to dial one of the numbers
below (note: we've expanded and joined modem pools, so you may be 
using another number. If so, don't worry, it still works just fine).

  Dialup (in Santa Cruz County): 459-9408

  Nationwide Dialup: Look up local number on our Web page:
  or call Cruzio toll free, 1.800.303.3302

To call Cruzio:
        459-6301............Use this number to check Cruzio's system status,
           pay your Cruzio bill, find out more about our hours and location,
           or to reach someone in customer service and technical support.
        722-6200 .......... Cruzio's number in Watsonville.

To send email to Cruzio, use one of these addresses:
  	support@internetcruzio.com ......for technical support
	office@internetcruzio.com .......for billing and ordering information

Cruzio's locations:
	Santa Cruz: 903 Pacific Avenue, Suite 101, Santa Cruz, CA 95060
	Watsonville: Plaza Vigil, 25 E. Beach Street, Watsonville, CA 95076
Cruzio's hours:
	Sales hours: 10am-6pm, Monday through Friday; 10 am - 2 pm Saturday
	Technical support: 8am to 6pm, Mon to Fri, 10am - 2pm Saturday
	System monitoring, including customer-alerted emergencies, 24 hours
		per day, 365 days per year (leap years, 366 days)

Thanks very much from Cruzio:
	Chris, Peggy, Julianne, Mark, Paul, Gershom, Jessi, James,
	Juana, Nikkie, Mike, Don, Bruce, Brian, Westi, Andrew,
	Jaime, another Chris, yet another Chris, Diana, Jake, Tommy,
	Loren, Shawn and Zachary;
	our awesome interns, Melinda and Anna
	Jake, Annika, and Carly (the kids)

"You don't make it with your hands. You form it with your hands. You
make it with your mind." Edgar Tolson, sculptor.

"It had a droll apathy towards death." -- review of the movie "300"
by Jake, age 15.